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​Dancer, Choreographer

Photo by Samuel Black Photography
Photo by Samuel Black Photography

Misa Koide is a Japanese dancer, performer and choreographer, based in London, United Kingdom. She creates a unique style of fusion dance inspired by ballet, contemporary, theatrical performance and street dance, which she gained from her professional training and experiences performing in both theatres and street dance scenes.

Misa started dancing in a classical ballet from the age of five in Japan.
She later went on to train at the Northern Ballet School in Manchester, UK, where she also started creating her own choreography. 

Back in Japan 2012 for three years, she performed in musicals, dance projects, concerts and commercials, and worked for three different Japanese choreographers as an assistant choreographer.

In 2015, she moved to London performing as a dancer and working as a choreographer using her knowledge and inspiration from both British theatrical performances and a street dance culture.

She was based in Berlin 2017-2019 and she has created her own projects 'Grenze'.

Her credits include Wicked (Universal Pictures, 2024, 2025), Disney's Snow White (2024), Wonka (Warner Bros, 2023), House of Fraser Christmas advert,  the role of Uncle Thomas and Royal Court Dancer in The King and I UK and International Tour, Uncle Thomas in The King and I West End Musical at London Palladium and Sookee/the leading role in the critically acclaimed film, The Handmaiden, at Secret Cinema X. She also experienced in the Juste Debout UK International competition where she was named in the top eight performers in the experimental category.

Misa appeared in the Broadway musical Geroge Takei's Allegiance at Charing Cross Theatre as associate choreographer, dance captain and ensemble.

She is currently in the King and I West End at Dominion Theatre.

MISA KOIDE。ダンサー、振付師。イギリス在住。



英国ノーザンバレエスクールに留学し、学校公演では2年連続で主役を務め、在学中にISTD主催The Elizabeth Baines-Hewitt AwardsにてThe Elizabeth Baines-Hewitt Award(1位)を受賞する。





2016年夏にストリートダンスと出会い、バレエ、コンテンポラリーダンスをストリートダンスのシーンで踊る独自のスタイルで注目を集める。UK Dance Elite Championshipではイギリス全国の応募者の中からファイナリストに選出され、2017年にはストリートの世界大会JUSTE DEBOUT UKにてExperimentalカテゴリーのTop 8に選ばれる。Oh Wonder、KT Tunstall、Newton Faulkner、FYFEなどアーティストのミュージックビデオにも主要キャストとして出演。



2020年からイギリスのGlobal Talent Visaを取得し、ロンドンを拠点に活動。

ビザ取得後は、ブロードウェイミュージカルの映画版「ウィキッド」(2024、2025年公開予定)、ディズニー「Snow White」(2024年公開予定)、「ウォンカとチョコレート工場のはじまり」(2023年)の撮影にダンサーとして参加。

また、イギリス老舗デパートHouse Of FraserのクリスマスCMに出演するなど、活動の幅をさらに広げている。

最近ではブロードウェイミュージカル「Allegiance (アリージャンス)」のロンドン公演に、振付助手、そしてダンスキャプテン、アンサンブルとして出演した。


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